How Hemp is Utilized Today

Hemp is used in many products and industries today. Here are seven different ways that hemp is used in our every day lives.

  1. Food production: Hemp seeds are rich in protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids, and can be used to produce a variety of food products, including hemp milk, hemp oil, hemp flour, and hemp protein powder.

  2. Fiber production: Hemp fiber can be used to make textiles, clothing, rope, paper, and building materials.

  3. Medicinal use: Hemp and its derivatives, such as CBD (cannabidiol), have been used for medicinal purposes, including pain relief, anxiety, and epilepsy.

  4. Industrial applications: Hemp can be used as a source of biofuel, and as a material in the production of bioplastics, insulation, and other industrial products.

  5. Environmental benefits: Hemp is a fast-growing plant that requires little water and few pesticides, making it a more environmentally sustainable crop than many other crops.

  6. Animal feed: Hemp seeds and leaves can be used as animal feed for livestock, including poultry and fish.

  7. Personal care products: Hemp oil can be used as an ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, and shampoos due to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.


Perception of Hemp in Untied States


Marijuana’s Schedule 1 Classification